A-C. In the left lower lobe, there is a large mass with central low density and cavitation containing an air-fluid level suggestive of necrosis. The mass is hypermetabolic in the non-necrotic portion with SUVmax of 14.9, and is consistent with the patient's known squamous cell carcinoma. Anteriorly, the tumour and associated conglomerate lymphadenopathy extends to the left hilar region, encasing the left upper lobe, lingular and lower lobe bronchi. Medially, the mass abuts the thoracic aorta. Posteriorly, the mass extends to the left posterior pleural surface. There are also post-obstructive changes in the adjacent lung.
D. Superior to the mass, there is a small cavitatory lesion (arrow) in the apico-posterior segment of the left lower lobe. The metabolic activity of this lesion (not shown) was SUVmax 2.2.
E. Inferior to the mass in the left lower lobe, there are small centrilobular nodules and tree-in-bud opacities, suggestive of an atypical infection. These nodules were eumetabolic (not shown).