Professor K. Ty BAE

Clinical Professor and Global STEM Professor
- MD (U. Chicago), PhD Bioeng. (U. Penn), MBA (Wharton)
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Bae KT, Giger ML, Chen CT, Kahn C, Jr. Automatic Segmentation of Liver Structure in CT Images. Medical Physics, 20 (1), 71-78, 1993.
- Giger ML, Bae KT, MacMahon H. Computerized Detection of Pulmonary Nodules in CT Images. Investigative Radiology; 29(4), 459-465, 1994.
- Bae KT, Brink JA, Heiken JP. Definition of "Equilibrium Point". Radiology, 200 (1): 288-289, 1996.
- Luker GD, Bae KT, Siegel MJ, Don S, Brink JA, Wang G, Herman TE. Ghosting of Pulmonary Nodules with Respiratory Motion: comparison of helical and conventional CT using an in vitro pediatric model. AJR, 167:1189-1193, 1996.
- Bae KT, Piwnica-Worms D. Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Multidrug Resistance P-glycoprotein Transport of Gamma-Emitting Substrates. Quart. J. Nuc. Med., 41:101-10, 1997.
- Gierada DS, Slone RM, Bae KT, Yusen RD, Lefrak SS. Pulmonary Emphysema: Comparison of Preoperative Quantitative CT and Physiologic Index Values with Clinical Outcome after Lung- Volume Reduction Surgery. Radiology, 205: 235-242, 1997.
- Bae KT, Slone RM, Gierada DS, Yusen RD, Cooper JD. Patients with Emphysema: Quantitative CT Analysis Before and After Lung Volume Reduction Surgery. Radiology; 203:705-714, 1997.
- Bae KT, Heiken JP, Brink JA. Effect of contrast injection rate on peak aortic and hepatic enhancement at CT: pharmacokinetic analysis and experimental porcine model. Radiology, 206:455- 464, 1998. (Paper Selected Classic Golden Oldies in Radiology As Part of RSNA Centennial Celebration)
- Li D, Zheng J, Bae KT, Woodard PK, Haacke EM. Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging of the Coronary Arteries. Investigative Radiology, 33:578-586, 1998.
- Bae KT, Heiken JP, Brink JA. Aortic and Hepatic Contrast Enhancement at CT [Part II]: Effect of Reduced Cardiac Output. Radiology, 207: 657-662, 1998. (Golden Oldies in Radiology)
- Bae KT, Heiken JP, Brink JA. Aortic and Hepatic Contrast Enhancement at CT [Part I]: Prediction Using a Computer Model. Radiology, 207: 647-655, 1998. (Golden Oldies in Radiology)
- Zheng J, Li D, Bae KT, Woodard PK, Haacke EM. Three-dimensional Gadolinium-enhanced Coronary MRA. J. Cardiovascular MR, 1(1):33-41, 1999.
- Gierada DS, Bae KT. Gadolinum used as a CT contrast agent: assessment in a porcine model Radiology, 210: 829-834, 1999.
- Zheng J, Bae KT, Woodard PK, Haacke EM, Li D. Efficacy Of Slow Injection Of Gadolinium Contrast Agents In 3D MR Coronary Artery Imaging. JMRI, 10: 800-805, 1999.
- Wang Y, Yu Y, Li D, Bae KT, Brown J, Lin W, Haake EM. Artery and vein separation using susceptibility-dependent phase in contrast-enhanced MRA. JMRI, 12: 661-670, 2000.
- Bae KT, Commean PK, Lee JR. Volumetric Measurement of Renal Cysts and Parenchyma using MRI: Phantoms and Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, JCAT, 24(4): 614-619, 2000.
- Ohnesorge B, Flohr T, Heiken JP, Bae KT. Eliminating bright-band artifacts generated by obese patients or objects extending outside the scan field of view in CT. Med. Phys., 27:39-46, 2000.
- Bae KT, Heiken JP, Siegel CL, Bennett HF. CT Assessment of Renal Cysts: Are Attenuation Values Artifactually Increased On Contrast-Enhanced Images? Radiology, 216:792-796, 2000.
- Bae KT, Tran HQ, Heiken JP. Multiphasic Injection Method for Uniform Prolonged Vascular Enhancement at CTA: Pharmacokinetic Analysis and Experimental Porcine Model. Radiology, 216: 872-880, 2000.
- Zhao S, Robertson DD, Wang G, Whiting BR, Bae KT. X-ray CT Metal Artifact Reduction Using Wavelets: An Application for Imaging Total Hip Prosthesis. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 19 (12): 1238-1247, 2000.
- Bae KT, Whiting BR. CT Data Storage Reduction by Compression of Projection Data Instead of Images. Radiology, 219:850-855, 2001.
- Yarasheski KE, Tebas P, Stanerson B, Claxton S, Marin D, Bae KT, Kennedy M, Tantisiriwat W, Powderly WG. Resistance exercise training reduces hypetriglyceridemia in HIV-infected men treated with antiviral therapy. Journal of Applied Physiology, 90: 133-138, 2001.
- Graham CB, Wippold FJ, Bae KT, Pilgram TK, Shaibani A, Kido DK. Comparison of CT myelography performed in the prone and supine positions in the detection of cervical spinal stenosis. Clinical Radiology, 56: 35-39, 2001.
- Gierada DS, Yusen RD, Pilgram TK, Crouch L, Slone RM, Bae KT, Lefrak SS, Cooper JD. Repeatability of Quantitative CT Indexes of Emphysema in Patients Evaluated for Lung Volume Reduction Surgery. Radiology, 220:448-454, 2001.
- Christensen GE, Carlson B, Chao KSC, Yin P, Grigsby PW, Nguyen K, Dempsey JF, Lerma F, Bae KT, Vannier M, and Williamson JF. Image-based dose planning of intracavitary brachytherapy: registration of serial imaging studies using deformable anatomic templates. Int. J. Rad. Onc. Bio. Phy., 51:227-243, 2001.
- Whiting BR, Bae KT, Skinner MW. Three Dimensional Localization of Cochlear Implants by Co- registration of CT and Plain Radiograph Images. Radiology, 221:543-549, 2001.
- Bae KT, Heiken JP, Brink JA. Enlargement of the Inferior Vena Cava in Contrast-enhanced Abdominal CT. Academic Radiology, 9:S223-226, 2002.
- Faddis MN, Blume W, Finney J, Hall A, Rauch J, Sell J, Bae KT, Talcott M, Lindsay B. Novel, magnetically guided catheter for endocardial mapping and radiofrequency catheter ablation. Circulation, 106:2980-2985, 2002.
- Hong C, Bae KT, Pilgram TK, Suh JD, Bradley D. Coronary Artery Calcium Measurement with Multi-Detector Row CT: In Vitro Assessment of the Effect of Radiation Dose. Radiology, 225:901- 906, 2002.
- Zhao S, Bae KT, Whiting BR, Wang G. A Wavelet Method for Metal Artifact Reduction with Multiple Metallic Objects in the Field of View. J. X-ray Science and Technology, 10:67-76, 2003.
- Hong C, Pilgram TK, Zhu F, Joe B, Towler DA, Bae KT. Improving Mass Measurement of Coronary Artery Calcification Using Threshold Correction and Thin Collimation in Multi-Detector Row CT: In Vitro Experiment. Academic Radiology 2003; 10:969-977.
- Riew KD, Lou J, Wright NM, Cheng SL, Bae KT, Avioli LV. Thoracoscopic Intradiscal Spine Fusion using Minimally Invasive Gene Therapy Technique. J. Bone and Joint Surgery, 2003; 85-A; 866-871.
- Faddis MN, Bae KT, Talcott M, Hall A, Dehne J, Rauch J, Sell J, Eng M, Lindsay B. Pulmonary Vein Mapping with a Novel Magnetic Catheter Guided by a 3D-CT Image. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, In press, 2003.
- Kim JH, Gutierrez FR, Lee EY, Semenkovich J, Bae KT, Ylagan LR. Primary leiomyosarcoma of the pulmonary artery. A diagnostic dilemma. Clinical Imaging 2003; 27:206-211.
- Hong C, Bruening R, Schoepf UJ, Bae KT, Reiser MF. Multiplanar Reformat Display Technique in Abdominal Multi-Detector Row CT Imaging. Clinical Imaging 2003; 27:119-123.
- King BF, Torres VE, Brummer ME, Chapman AB, Bae KT, et al. Magnetic Resonance Measurements of Renal Blood Flow as a Marker of Disease Progression in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kidney International 2003; 64: 2214-2221.
- Bae KT, Hong C, Becker CR, Prasad S, Nolte MA, Eusenbeis PE, Heiken JP. Carbon Dioxide Enhanced CT Imaging for the Detection of Pulmonary Emboli: Feasibility Study in a Porcine Model. Academic Radiology 2003; 10:313-320.
- Chapman AB, Guay-Woodford L, Grantham JJ, Torres VE, Bae KT, et al. Renal Structure in Early Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease; The Consortium for Radiologic Imaging Studies of Polycystic Kidney Disease (CRISP) Cohort. Kidney International 2003; 64: 1035-1045.
- Bae KT, Fuangtharnthip P, Prasad S, Joe BN, Heiken JP. CT Characterization of Adrenal Masses using Histogram Analysis Method. Radiology 2003; 228:735-742.
- Hong C, Bae KT, Pilgram TK, Zhu F. Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification in Multi-Detector Row CT: Influence of Heart Rate and Measurement Methods on the Interscan Variability. Radiology 2003; 228:95-100.
- Bae KT. Peak Contrast Enhancement in CTA and MRA: When Does It Occur and Why? Radiology 2003; 227:809-816.
- Takahashi N, Bae KT. Quantification of Coronary Artery Calcium with Multi-detector row CT: Assessing Interscan Variability with Different Tube Currents. Radiology 2003; 228:101-106.
- Hong C, Bae KT, Pilgram TK. Accuracy and Reproducibility in Coronary Artery Calcium Measurement with Multi-Detector Row CT: Assessing the Effects of Different Thresholds and Quantification Methods. Radiology 2003; 227:795-801.
- Hong C, Zhu F, Bae KT. Current Status of Coronary Multislice CT Angiography. J. X-ray Science and Technology 2003; 11: 181-191.
- Engsberg JR, Lenke LG, Hollander KW, Uhrich ML, Commean PK, Lee JR, Bae KT. Methods to Locate Center of Gravity in Scoliosis. Spine 2003; 28(23): E483-E489.
- Bae KT, McDermott R, Gierada DS, Heiken JP, Nolte MA, Takahashi N, Hong C. Gadolinium- Enhanced CTA in Multi-Detector Computed Tomography: Optimization of Injection Parameters Using a Porcine Model. Academic Radiology 2004; 11:61-68.
- Bae KT, Hong C, Takahashi N, Gutierrez F, Sharkey AM, Hirsch R, Canter CE. Multi-detector Row CT Angiography in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients: Initial Observations. Transplantation 2004; 77(4): 599-602.
- Hong C, Pilgram TK, Zhu F, Bae KT. Is Coronary Artery Calcium Mass Related to Agaston Score? Academic Radiology 2004; 11: 286-292.
- Hong C, Woodard PK, Bae KT. Congenital Coronary Artery Anomaly Demonstrated by Three- Dimensional Sixteen-Slice Spiral CT Angiography.Heart 2004; 90:478.
- Bae KT, Tran HQ, Heiken JP. Uniform Vascular Contrast Enhancement and Reduced Contrast Volume Achieved by Exponential-decay Contrast Injection Method. Radiology 2004; 231(3):732- 736.
- Bae KT, Hong C, Whiting BR. Radiation Dose in Multi-detector row CT Cardiac Imaging. JMRI 2004; 19:859-863.
- Hong C, Pilgram TK, Zhu F, Bae KT. Coronary Artery Calcium: Effect of Size of Field of View on Multi-detector Row CT Measurements, Radiology 2004; 233:218-285.
- Hong C, Chrysant GS, Woodard PK, Bae KT. Coronary Artery Stent Patency Assessed with In-Stent Contrast Enhancement Measured at Multi-Detector Row CT Angiography: Initial Experience, Radiology 2004; 233:286-291.
- Chino K, Choong CK, Lausberg HF, Bae KT, Toenigskoetter D, Pierce JA, Hogg JC, Cooper JD. A Canine Model for Production of Severe Unilateral Panacinar Emphysema. Experimental Lung Research 2004; 30:319-332.
- Diaz S, Uzieblo MR, Desai KM, Talcott MR, Bae KT, Geraghty PJ, Parodi JC, Sicard GA, Sanchez LA, Choi ET. Type II Endoleak in Porcine Model of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. J Vascular Surgery, 2004; 40:339-344.
- Zhu F, Johnson JE, Hirose CB, Bae KT. Acute Changes in the Heel after High Energy Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Therapy in Patients with Chronic Fasciitis: Findings at MR Imaging, Radiology 2005; 234:206-210.
- Kim KG, Cho SW, Min SJ, Kim JH, Min BG, Bae KT. Computerized Scheme for Assessing Ultrasonographic Features of Breast Masses. Acad Radiology 2005; 12:58-66.
- Prasad S, Humphrey P, Menias CO, Middleton WD, Siegel MJ, Bae KT, Heiken JP. Neoplasms of the Renal Medulla: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation.Radiographics 2005; 25:369-380.
- Chaparro J, Reeds DN, Wen W, Xueping E, Klein S, Semenkovich CF, Bae KT, Quirk EK, Powderly WG, Yarasheski KE, Li E. Alterations in thigh subcutaneous adipose gene expression in protease inhibitor-based highly active antiretroviral therapy, Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 2005; 54:561-567.
- Hong C, Leawoods JC, Yablonskiy DA, Leyendecker JR, Bae KT, Pilgram TK, Woodard PK, Conradi MS, Zheng J. Feasibility of Combining MR Perfusion, Angiography, and 3He Ventilation Imaging for Evaluation of Lung Function in a Porcine Model. Acad Radiology 2005; 12: 202-209.
- Mercer-Bolton NR, Smith KE, Commean PK, Pilgram TK, Mueller MJ, Bae KT. Computed Tomography to Visualize and Quantify the Plantar Aponeurosis and Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon in the Diabetic Foot. Clinical Biomechanics 2005; 20:540-546.
- Rushe K, Venkatesh R, Figenshau RS, Bae KT, Landman J. Complex Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Hilar Tumors. Urology 2005; 65: 888-891.Bae KT, Kim JS, Na YH, Kim KG, Kim JW. Automated Detection of Pulmonary Nodules from MDCT Images: Performance of 3D Morphological Matching Algorithm. Radiology 2005; 236:286- 294.
- Kim JS, Kim JW, Cho GS, Bae KT. Automated Detection of Pulmonary Nodules from MDCT Images: Effect of Slice Thickness and Reconstruction Interval. Radiology 2005; 236:295-299.
- Bae KT. Test-Bolus versus Bolus-Tracking Techniques for CTA Timing (letter). Radiology 2005; 236:369-370.
- Hong C, Zhu F, Pilgram TK, Sicard GA, Bae KT. Coronary Artery Calcification and Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis in Patients with Venous Thromboembolism. Arthrosclerosis 2005; 183:169-174.
- Bae KT, Mody GN, Balfe DM, Bhalla S, Gierada DS, Gutierrez FR, Menias CO, Woodard PK, Goo JM, Hildebolt CF. Display Window Settings for Depiction of Pulmonary Emboli in CT: Trends and Variations among Observers. Radiology 2005; 236: 677-683.
- Bae KT. Comparison of Moderate versus High Concentration of Contrast Media Injected at the Same Total Iodine Dose and Fixed Injection Duration (letter). Radiology 2005; 236: 740-741.
- Joe BN, Chen VY, Salibi N, Fuangtharntip P, Hildeboldt CF, Bae KT. Evaluation of 1H-MR Spectroscopy of Breast Cancer Pre- and Post-Gadolinium Administration. Investigative Radiology 2005; 40:405-411.
- Goo JM, Tongdee T, Tongdee R, Yeo K, Bae KT. Volumetric Measurement of Synthetic Lung Nodules with Multi-detector row CT: Effect of Various Image Reconstruction Parameters and Segmentation Thresholds on Measurement Accuracy. Radiology 2005; 235:850-856.
- Kim KG, Goo JM, Kim JH, Lee HJ, Min BG, Bae KT, Im JG. Automated Detection of Localized Ground-Glass Opacity on CT using Artificial Neural Networks. Radiology 2005; 237:657-661.
- Tao Y, Klause A, Vickers A, Bae KT, Ellis M. Clinical and biomarker endpoint analysis in neoadjuvant endocrine therapy trials. J. Steroid Biochem & Molecular Biology 2005; 95:91-95.
- O’Neill WC, Robbin ML, Bae KT, et al. Sonographic Assessment of the Severity and Progression of ADPKD: CRISP. Am J Kidney Disease 2005; 46(6):1058-64.
- Bae KT, Heiken JP. Scan and Contrast Administration Principles for MDCT. Euro radiology 2005;15 (S5): E46-59.
- Bae KT, Zhu F, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Grantham JJ, Guay-Woodford LM, Baumgarten DA, King, Jr BF, Wetzel LH, Kenney PJ, Brummer ME, Bennett WM, Klahr S, Meyers CM, Thompson P, Miller JP, and CRISP. MR Imaging Evaluation of Hepatic Cysts in Early ADPKD: CRISP Cohort. Clinical J of Am Soc Nephrology 2006; 1:64-69.
- Rule AD, Torres VE, Chapman AB, Grantham JJ, Guay-Woodford L, Bae KT, et al. Comparison of Methods for Determining Renal Function Decline in Early ADPK: The CRISP Cohort. J Am Soc Nephrology 2006; 17(3):854-62.
- Rist C, Nikolaou K, Kirchin MA, van Gessel R, Bae KT, et al. Contrast bolus optimization for cardiac 16-slice computed tomography: comparison of contrast medium formulations containing 300 and 400 mg Iodine/ml. Investigative Radiology 2006; 41(5):460-467.
- Grantham JJ, Torres VE, Chapman AB, Guay-Woodford LM, Bae KT, et al. Volume Evolution: A New Concept for Monitoring Disease Progression in ADPKD. New England J Medicine 2006; 354(20):2122-2130.
- Tanoli TSK, Woods JC, Conradi MS, Bae KT, Gierada DS, Hogg JC, Cooper JD, Yablonskiy DA. In vivo Lung Morphometry with Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion MRI in Canines with Induced Emphysema: Disease Progression and Comparison with Computed Tomography. J Applied Physiology 2007; 102:477-484.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Kondo H, Yokoyama R, Miyoshi Y, Kato H, Tsuge Y, Hoshi H, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Contrast-enhanced MDCT Imaging of the Pancreas: Determining Optimal Scan Delay. Radiology 2006; 241(1):167-174.
- Goo JM, Kim KG, Gierada DS, Castro M, Bae KT. Volumetric Measurement of Lung Nodules at MDCT: Effect of Changes in Lung Volume. Korean J Radiology 2006; 7:243-248.
- Harris PC, Bae KT, Rossetti S, Torres VE, Grantham JJ, Chapman AB, Guay-Woodford LM, King BF, Wetzel LH, Baumgarten DA, Kenney PJ, Consugar M, Klahr S, Bennett WM, Meyers CM, Zhang Q, Thompson PA, Zhu F, Miller JP. Cyst number, but not the rate of cystic growth, is associated with the mutated gene in ADPKD. JASN 2006; 17:3013-3019.
- Ohm J, Kim JH, Kim SS, Han KT, Ahn YS, Shin BS, Bae KT. Development of a World Wide Web- based Interactive Education Program to Improve Detectability of Pulmonary Nodules on Chest KJRS 2007; 57:97-104.
- Torres V, King BF, Chapman AB, Brummer ME, Bae KT, et al. Magnetic Resonance Measurements of Renal Blood Flow and Disease Progression in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Clinical J of Am Soc Nephrology 2007; 2:112-120.
- Gierada DS, Pilgram TK, Whiting BR, Hong C, Bierhals AJ, Kim JH, Bae KT. Comparison of Standard- and Low-radiation-dose CT for Quantification of Emphysema. AJR 2007; 188:42-47.
- Bae KT, Tao C, Gürel S, Hong C, Zhu F, Gebke TA, Milite M, Hildebolt CF. Effect of Patient Weight and Scanning Duration on Contrast Enhancement during Pulmonary Multidetector CT Angiography. Radiology 2007; 242:582-589.
- Kondo H, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Yokoyama R, Miyoshi Y, Hoshi H, Yoshimune S, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Multi-Detector Row CT of the Pancreas: Optimizing Scanning Delay with a Bolus-Tracking Technique for Pancreatic, Peripancreatic Vascular, and Hepatic Contrast Enhancement. AJR 2007; 188:751-756.
- Siegel MJ, Hildebolt CF, Bae KT, Hong C, White N. Total and Intraabdominal Fat Distribution in Preadolescents and Adolescents: Measurement with MR Imaging. Radiology 2007; 242:846-856.
- Lee CH, Goo JM, Lee HJ, Kim KG, Im JG, Bae KT. Determination of Optimal Scan Timing Window for Pulmonary Artery MDCT Angiography. AJR 2007; 188:313-317.
- Joe BN, Suh JD, Hildebolt CF, Hovsepian DM, Johnston B, Bae KT. MR Volumetric Measurements of the Myomatous Uterus: Improved Reliability of Stereology over Linear Measurements. Academic Radiology 2007; 14:455-462.
- Lee CH, Goo JM, Bae KT, Lee HJ, Kim KG, Chun EJ, Park CM, Im JG. CTA Contrast Enhancement of the Aorta and Pulmonary Artery: the Effect of Saline Chase Injected at Two Different Rates in a Canine Experimental Model. Investigative Radiology 2007; 42:486-490.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Nishibori H, Kondo H, Yokoyama R, Miyoshi T, Hoshi H, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Multi-Detector Row CT of the Kidney: Optimizing Scan Delays for Bolus Tracking Techniques of Arterial, Corticomedullary, and Nephrographic Phases. European J Radiology 2007; 63:420–426.
- Lee KW, Kim MY, Gierada DS, Bae KT. Performance of Computer-aided Program for Automated Matching of Follow-up Metastatic Pulmonary Nodules in Routine Clinical Chest CT. AJR 2007; 189:1077–1081.
- Rossetti S, Consugar MB, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Guay-Woodford LM, Grantham JJ, Bennett WM, Meyers CM, Walker DL, Bae KT: Comprehensive Molecular Diagnostics in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 18: 2143– 2160, 2007.
- Rist C, Becker CR, Kirchin MA, Johnson TR, Busch S, Bae KT, et al. Optimization of Cardiac MSCT Contrast Injection Protocols Dependency of the Main Bolus Contrast Density on Test Bolus Parameters and Patients’ Body Weight. Acad Radiology 2008; 15:49-57.
- Grantham JJ, Cook LT, Torres VE, Bost JE, Chapman AB, Harris PC, Bae KT. Determinants of Renal Volume In ADPKD. Kidney Int 2008; 73:108-116.
- Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Bae KT. How Should We Optimize Bolus Tracking with Multidetector CT of the Abdomen? (Letter). Radiology 2008; 246(2):643-644.
- Bae KT, Seeck BA, Hong C, Woodard PK, Zhu F, Tao C, Kanematsu M, Hildebolt CF. Contrast Enhancement in Cardiac Multidetector CT: Effect of Body Weight, Height, Body-Mass Index, Body- Surface Area, and Obesity. AJR 2008; 190:777-784.
- Wiratkapun C, Duke D, Nordmann AS, Narra VR, Barton PT, Bae KT. Indeterminate or Suspicious Breast Lesions Detected Initially by MRI: Diagnostic Value of Second-look Ultrasound. Academic Radiology 2008; 15:618-625.
- Kim S, Wang LL, Heiken JP, Siegel CL, Hildebolt CF, Bae KT. Improvement in Opacification in the Urinary Bladder and Ureter in MDCT Urography: Effect of a Log-Rolling Procedure and Post- Void Bladder Residual Urine. Radiology 2008; 247(3):747-753.
- Goo JM, Kim HY, Lee JW, Lee HJ, Lee CH, Lee KW, Kim TJ, Lim KY, Park SH, Bae KT. Is the Computer-Aided Detection Scheme for Lung Nodule Also Useful in Detecting Lung Cancer? JCAT 2008; 32:570-575.
- Kim MY, Lee KW, Bae KT. MDCT Evaluation of Foreign Bodies and Liquid Aspiration Pneumonia in Adults. AJR 2008; 190:907-915.
- Gurel S, Menias CO, Bae KT. Diagnosis please. Radiology 2008; 248: 693-694.Miyoshi T, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Tsuge Y, Bae KT. CT Angiography of the Abdomen with 16-detector CT: Comparison of Image Quality and Radiation Dose between Scans with 0.625- and 1.25-mm Collimation. Radiology 2008; 249: 142-150.
- Hong C, Heiken JP, Sicard GA, Pilgram TK, Bae KT. Clinical Significance of Endoleaks Detected in CT Follow-up After Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. AJR 2008; 191:808–813.
- Kondo H, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Yokoyama R, Miyoshi Y, Hoshi H, Yoshimune S, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Estimation of Optimal Contrast Medium Dose for Abdominal MDCT in Patients with Varying Body Fat Percentages. Radiology 2008; 249:872-877.
- Bae KT, Shah AJ, Shang SS, Wang JH, Chang S, Kanematsu M, Hildebolt CF. Aortic and Hepatic Contrast Enhancement with 64-Section Abdominal MDCT in Pediatric Patients: Effect of Body Weight and Iodine Dose. AJR 2008; 191:1589-1594
- Consugar MB, Wong WC, Lundquist PA, Rossetti S, Kubly V, Walker D, Aspinwall R, Niaudet WR, Özen S, David A, Britland A, Velinov M, Bae KT, Chapman AB, Guay-Woodford L, Grantham JJ, Torres VE, Sampson JR, Dawson BD, Harris PC. Rapid Characterization of Large Deletions Associated with ADPKD and the PKD1/TSC2 Contiguous Gene Syndrome. Kidney International 2008; 74:1468-1479.
- Gurel S, Menias CO, Bae KT. Metastatic Germ Cell Tumor. Radiology 2008; 249:1077-1080.
- Massoumzadeh P, Don S, Hildebolt C, Bae KT, Whiting B. Validation of CT Dose-reduction Simulation. Medical Physics 2009; 36:174-189.
- Tsuge Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Yokoyama R, Miyoshi T, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Optimal Scan Delays for Multiphasic Renal multi-detector row CT Performed with Fixed Duration Injection of Contrast Medium. JCAT 2009; 33:101-105.
- Tao C, Gierada DS, Zhu F, Pilgram TK, Wang JH, Bae KT. Automated Matching of Pulmonary Nodules: Evaluation in Serial Screening Chest CT. AJR 2009; 192:624-628.
- Yanaga Y, Awai K, Nakaura T, Oda S, Funama Y, Bae KT, Yamashita Y. Effect of Contrast Injection Protocols with Dose Adjusted to the Estimated Lean Patient Body Weight on Aortic Enhancement at CT Angiography. AJR 2009; 192:1071-1078.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Kondo H, Yokoyama R, Tsuge Y, Shiratori Y, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Gadolinium-enhanced Three-dimensional MR Imaging of the Liver: Optimizing Imaging Delay for Early, Late Hepatic Arterial and Portal Venous Phases in the Detection of Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinomas. AJR 2009; 192:686-692.
- Shim H, Chang S, Tao C, Wang JH, Kwoh CK, Bae KT. Efficient and Reproducible Segmentation of Knee Cartilage from High-Resolution MR Imaging using a Semi-Automated Graph- Cuts Algorithm Method. Radiology 2009; 251:548-556.
- Park SH, Moon CH, Bae KT. Compatible Dual-Echo Arteriovenography (CODEA) using an Echo-specific K-space Reordering Scheme. Magnetic Resonance Medicine 2009; 61:767-774.
- Bae KT, Tao C, Zhu F, Bost JE, Chapman AB, Grantham JJ, Torres VE, Guay-Woodford LM, MD, Meyers CM, Bennett WM. MRI-based Kidney Volume Measurements in Patients with Autosomal-Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: Inter- and Intra-reader Reliability and the Effect of Gadolinium Enhancement. CJASN 2009; 4:719-725.
- Korpraphong P, Leyendecker J, Hildebolt C, Narra V, Bae KT, Brown J. Serial MR Imaging of Small Arterially-enhancing Liver Lesions in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease. J Med Assoc Thai 2009; 92:548-555.
- Olson J, Budd T, Carey L, Esseman L, Harris L, Fleming GF, Marcom PK, Leight GS, Guintoli T, Commean PK, Bae KT, Luo J, Ellis MJ. Improved Surgical Outcomes for Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy: Results from a Multicenter Phase II Trial. J Am Col Surgeons 2009; 208(5): 906-914.
- Shim H, Chang S, Tao C, Wang JH, Kaya D, Bae KT. Semi-automated Segmentation of Kidneys from High-resolution MDCT Images using a Graph-Cuts Technique. JCAT 2009; 33:893-901.
- Bae KT, Shim H, Chang S, Tao C, Wang JH, Boudrou R, Kwoh CK. Inter- and Intra-observer Reproducibility of Knee Cartilage Volumes Measured from OAI MR Images using a Semi-automated Graph-cuts Segmentation Method.OsteoArthritis and Cartilage 2009; 17: 1589-1597.
- Goshima S, Chang S, Wang JH, Kanematsu M, Bae KT, Federle MP. Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis: Diagnostic performance of CT to Differentiate from Gallbladder Cancer. EJR 2010; 74(3): e79-83.
- Kondo H, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Tomita Y, Kim MJ, Moriyama N, Onozuka M, Shiratori Y, Bae KT. Body Size Indexes for Optimizing Iodine Dose for Aortic and Hepatic Contrast Enhancement at MDCT: Comparison of Total Body Weight, Lean Body Weight, and Blood Volume. Radiology 2010; 254: 163-169.
- Bae KT, Park SH, Moon CH, Kim JH, Kaya D, Zhao TJ. Dual-Echo Arteriovenography Imaging with 7T MRI. JMRI 2010; 31:255-261.
- Chapman AB, Torres VE, Perrone RD, Steinman TI, Bae KT, Miller JP, Miskulin DC, Oskoui FR, Masoumi A, Hogan MC, Winklhofer FT, Braun W, Thompson P, Meyers CM, Kellerher C, Schrier RW. The HALT Polycystic Kidney Disease Trials – Design and Implementation. CJASN 2010; 5:102-109.
- Bae KT, Grantham JJ. Imaging to Assess Prognosis in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Nature Rev. Nephrology 2010; 6:96–106.
- Gierada DS, Bierhals AJ, Choong CK, Bartel ST, Ritter JH, Das NA, Hong C, Pilgram TK, Bae KT, Whiting BR, Woods JC, Hogg JC, Lutey BA, Cooper JD, Patterson GA, Battafarano RJ, Meyers BF. The Effects of CT Reconstruction Parameters on Emphysema Quantification: Relation to Emphysema Severity. Academic Radiology 2010; 17:146–156.
- Park SH, Shim HJ, Moon CH, Kim JH, Bae KT. Quantitative Evaluation of K-space Reordering Schemes for Compatible Dual-Echo Arteriovenography (CODEA). MRM 2010; 63:1404-1410.
- Dambreville S, Chapman AB, Vicente E. Torres VE, King BF, Wallin AK, Frakes DH, Yoganathan AP, Wijayawardana SR, Easley K, Bae KT, Brummer ME. Renal Arterial Blood Flow Measurement by Breath-held MRI: Accuracy in Phantom Scans and Reproducibility in Healthy Subjects. MRM 2010; 63:940-950.
- Bae KT. Intravenous Contrast Medium Administration and Scan Timing in CT: Considerations and Approaches State-of-the-Art. Radiology, 2010; 256:32-61.
- Morrisroe SN, Su RR, Bae KT, Hong C, Jackman SV, Lahey S, Catalano OA, Sahani DV, Eisner BH. Estimation of Differential Renal Function using CT-based Renal Parenchyma Volume Measurement. J. Urology 2010; 183:2289-2293.
- Watanabe H, Kanematsu M, Kitagawa T, Suzuki Y, Kondo H, Goshima S, Tsuge Y, Kajita K, Bae KT. Preoperative Detection of Prostate Cancer: a comparison with 11C-choline PET, 18F- fluorodeoxyglucose PET and MR Imaging. JMRI 2010; 31:1151-1156.
- Grantham JJ, Cook LT, Cadnapaphornchai, MA, Bae KT. Evidence of Extraordinary Growth in the Progressive Enlargement of Renal Cysts. CJASN 2010; 5:889-896.
- Watanabe H, Kanematsu M, Miyoshi T, Goshima S, Kondo H, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Improvement of Image Quality of Low Radiation Dose Abdominal CT by Increasing Contrast Enhancement. AJR 2010; 195:986-992.
- Watanabe H, Kanematsu M, Kitagawa T, Suzuki Y, Kondo H, Goshima S, Tsuge Y, Kajita K, Bae KT, Zhou X, Fujita H. MR Elastography of the Liver at 3 T with Cine-Tagging and Bending Energy Analysis: Preliminary Results. Euro Radiology 2010; 20:2381-2389.
- Bae KT, Furlan A, Patil A. The rate of resolution of pulmonary emboli at different orders of pulmonary arteries (Letter to Editor), In Press, AJR, 2010.
- Shang SS, Furlan A, Almusa O, Hesham A, Bae KT. Regional Presentation of Hepatic Diseases: CT and MR Imaging Findings of Differential Diagnosis. Acta Radiologica 2010; 51:832-841.
- Tsuge Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Yokoyama R, Miyoshi T, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Abdominal vascular and visceral parenchymal contrast enhancement in MDCT: Effects of injection duration. Euro J Radiology 2011; 80:259-264.
- Torres VE, Grantham JJ, Chapman AB, Mrug M, Bae KT, King BF, Wetzel LH, Martin D, Lockhart ME, Bennett WM, Moxey-Mims M, Abebe KZ, Lin Y, Bost JE, CRISP. Potential Modifiable Factors Affecting the Progression of ADPKD. CJASN 2011; 6:640-647.
- Kondo H, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Tomita Y, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Shiratori Y, Bae KT. Aortic and Hepatic Enhancement at Multidetector CT: Evaluation of Optimal Iodine Dose Determined by Lean Body Weight. Eur J Radiol 2011; 80:e273-277.
- Wang JH, Furlan A, Kaya D, Goshima S, Tublin M, Bae KT. Pneumatosis Intestinalis Versus Pseudo-pneumatosis: Review of CT Findings and Differentiation. Insights in Imaging 2011; 2:85-92.
- Watanabe H, Kanematsu M, Miyoshi T, Goshima S, Kondo H, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Staging Hepatic Fibrosis: Comparison of Gd-EOB-DTPA–enhanced and Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging. Radiology 2011; 259:142-150.
- Furlan A, Patil A, Park B, Chang J, Roberts MS, Bae KT. Accuracy and Reproducibility of Blood Clot Burden Quantification with CT Pulmonary Angiographic Imaging. AJR 2011; 195:516-523.
- Kim KJ, Lee KH, Kim B, Richter T, Yun ID, Lee SU, Bae KT, Shim H. JPEG2000 2D and 3D Reversible Compressions of Thin-Section Chest CT Images: Improving Compressibility by Increasing Data Redundancy Outside the Body Region. Radiology 2011; 259:271-277.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Nishibori H, Sakurai K, Miyazawa D, Watanabe H, Kondo H, Shiratori Y, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. CT of the Pancreas: Comparison of Anatomical Depiction, Image Quality and Radiation Exposure between 320-slice Volumetric and 64-slice Helical CT Scans. Radiology 2011; 260:139-147.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Nishibori H, Sakurai K, Miyazawa D, Watanabe H, Kondo H, Shiratori Y, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Gadoxetate disodium–Enhanced MR Imaging: Differentiation between Early-Enhancing Non-Tumorous Lesions and Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinomas. EJR 2011; 79:e108-112.
- Torres VE, Meijer E, Bae KT, Chapman AB, Devuyst O, Gansevoort RT, Grantham JJ, Higashihara E, Perrone RD, Krasa HB, Ouyan J, Czerwiec FS. Rationale and Design of the TEMPO Study: Tolvaptan Efficacy and Safety in Management of ADPKD and its Outcomes. Am J Kidney Dis 2011; 57:692-699.
- Higashihara E, Torres VE, Chapman AB, Grantham JJ, Bae KT, Watnick TJ, Horie S, Nutahara K, Ouyang J, Krasa HB, Czerwiec FS. Tolvaptan in ADPKD: Three Years Experience. CJASN 2011; 6:2499-2507.
- Perrone RD, Abebe KA, Schrier RW, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Bost JE, Kaya D, Miskulin DC, Steinman TI, Braun WE, Winklhofer FT, Hogan MC, Oskoui FR, Kelleher C, Msoumi A, Glockner J, Halin NJ, Martin D, Remer E, Patel N, Pedrosa I, Wetzel LH, Thompson P, Miller JP, Meyers CM, Bae KT. The HALT Polycystic Kidney Disease Trials – Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Left Ventricular Mass in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. CJASN 2011; 6:2508- 2515.
- Navina S, Acharya1 C, Delany J.P., Orlichenko LS, Baty CJ, Shiva SS, Dugampudi C, Karlsson JM, Lee K, Bae KT, Furlan A, Nichols L, Yadav D, Singh V. Lipotoxicity causes multisystem organ failure and exacerbates acute pancreatitis in obesity. Science Translational Medicine 2011 Nov 2; 3(107):1-10.
- Fetzer D, Furlan A, Wang JH, Kantartzis S, Scholosh B, Bae KT. CT Cholangiography in Living Liver Transplant Donors: Factors Determining the Degree of Contrast Enhancement. JCAT 2011; 35: 716-722.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Zhang X, Furukawa T, Kobayashi T, Fujita H, Watanabe H, Kondo H, Kawada H, Bae KT. Staging Hepatic Fibrosis: Computer-aided Analysis of Hepatic Contours on Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced Hepatocyte-phase MR Images. Hepatology 2012; 55:328-339.
- Pickhardt PJ, Park SH, Hahn L, Lee SG, Bae KT, Yu ES. Specificity of Noncontrast CT for Noninvasive Diagnosis of Hepatic Steatosis: Implications for the investigation of natural history of incidental steatosis. Eur Radiology 2012; 22:1075-1082.
- Torres VE, Chapman AB, Perrone RD, Bae KT, Abebe KZ, Bost JE, Miskulin DC, Steinman TI, Braun W, Winklhofer FT, Hogan MC, Oskoui FR, Kelleher C, Masoumi A, Glockner J, Halin NJ, Martin D, Remer E, Patel N, Pedrosa I, Wetzel LH, Thompson P, Miller JP, Meyers CM, Schrier RW. The HALT Polycystic Kidney Disease Trials – Analysis of baseline parameters: Effect of gender and developmental programming in ADPKD. Kidney Inter 2012; 81: 577-585.
- Sheu Y, Furlan A, Almusa O, Papachristou G, Bae KT. The Revised Atlanta Classification for Acute Pancreatitis: A CT-imaging Guide for Radiologists. Emergency Radiology2012; 19:237-243.
- Kim JH, Moon CH, Park BW, Furlan A, Zhao T, Bae KT. Development of Multi-channel Transceiver Dual-tuned RF Coil for Proton/Sodium MR Imaging of Knee Cartilage at 3T. Magn Reson Imaging 2012; 30:562-571.
- Chapman AB, Bost JE, Torres VE, Guay-Woodford L, Bae KT, Landsittel D, Li J, King BF, Martin D, Wetzel LH, Lockhart ME, Harris PC, Moxey-Mims M, Flessner M, Bennett WM, Grantham JJ. Kidney Volume and Functional Outcomes in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. CJASN 2012; 7:479-486.
- Grantham JJ, Mulamalla S, Grantham CJ, Wallace D, Cook L, Wetzel L, Fields TA, Bae KT. Detected Renal Cysts Are Tips of the Iceberg in Adults with ADPKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Jul; 7(7):1087-93, 2012.
- Moon CH, Kim JH, Jacobs L, Zhao T, Sowa G, Kang J, Bae KT. Development of a dual-tuned proton/sodium MR imaging of the lumbar spine in a rabbit model: Part 1. Spine 2012 Aug 15; 37(18):E1106-12.
- Moon CH, Jacobs L, Kim JH, Sowa G, Kang J, Bae KT. Quantitative proton T2 and sodium MR imaging to assess intervertebral disc degeneration in a rabbit model: Part 2. Spine 2012 Aug 15; 37(18):E1113-9.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Watanabe H, Kondo H, Kawada H, Shiratori Y, Onozuka M, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Gd-EOB-DTPA–enhanced MR Imaging: Prediction of Hepatic Fibrosis Stages using Liver Contrast Enhancement Index and Liver-to-spleen Volumetric Ratio. JMRI 2012; 36(5):1148-1153.
- Jeon KN, Goo JM, Lee CH, Lee Y, Choo JY, Lee NK, Shim MS, Lee IS, Kim KG, Gierada DS, Bae KT. Computer-Aided Nodule Detection and Volumetry to Reduce Variability Between Radiologists in the Interpretation of Lung Nodules at Low-Dose Screening Computed Tomography. Invest Radiol. 2012 Aug; 47(8):457-461.
- Furlan A, Aghayev A, Patil A, Chang CH, Fetzer D, Jeon KN, Saul M, Roberts M, Bae KT. Short-Term Mortality in Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Clot Burden and Signs of Right Heart Dysfunction Measured on CT Pulmonary Angiography Imaging. Radiology 2012 Oct; 265(1):283- 93.
- Park SH, Zhao T, Kim JH, Boada FE, Bae KT. Suppression of Effects of Gradient Imperfections on Imaging with Alternate Ascending/Descending Directional Navigation (ALADDIN). MRM 2012 Nov;68(5):1600-6
- Kistler AD, Serra AL, Mischak H, Siwy J, Torres VE, Mrug M, Grantham JJ, Bae KT, Bost JE, Wüthrich RP, Chapman AB. Urinary proteomic biomarkers for diagnosis and risk stratification of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a multicentric study. PLOS ONE 2013; 8(1):e53016. PMID: 23326375.
- Kondo H, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Tomita Y, Ido Y, Watanabe H, Bae KT. Body Size Indices to Determine Iodine Mass with Contrast-enhanced MDCT of the Upper Abdomen: Does Body Surface Area Outperform Total Body Weight or Lean Body Weight? Eur Radiology, 2013;23(7): 1856-61. PMID: 23508277
- Aghayev A, Furlan A, Patil A, Park B, Bae KT. The Rate of Resolution of Clot Burden Measured from CT Pulmonary Angiography in Patients with Acute Pulmonary Embolism. AJR 2013; 200(4):791-7. PMID: 23521450. PMCID: PMC3646369.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Nishibori H, Miyazawa D, Watanabe H, Kondo H, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Preoperative Planning for Endovascular Aortic Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Feasibility Study of Non-contrast Steady-State Free Precession MR Angiography Versus Contrast- enhanced CT Angiography. Radiology 2013 Jun;267(3):948-55. PMID: 23392427.
- Bae KS, Park BW, Sun HL, Wang JH, Tao C, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Grantham JJ, Mrug M, Bennett WM, Flessner MF, Landsittel DP, Bae KT. Segmentation of Individual Renal Cysts from MR Images in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. CJASN 2013 Jul;8(7):1089-1097. PMID: 23520042. PMCID: PMC3700699
- Boertien WE, Meijer E, Li J, Bost JE, Struck J, Flessner MF, Gansevoort RT, Torres VE Chapman AB, Grantham JJ, Mrug M, Guay-Woodford LM, Bae KT, Bennett WM. Relationship of Copeptin, a Surrogate Marker for Arginine Vasopressin, with Change in Total Kidney Volume and GFR Decline in ADPKD: results from the CRISP cohort. Am J Kidney Dis. 2013;61(3): 420-9. PMID: 23089511.
- Acharya1 C, Cline RA, Jaligama D, Noel P, Delany JP, Bae KT, Furlan A, Baty CJ, Karlsson JM, Rosario B, Patel K, Mishra V, Dugampudi C, Yadav D, Navina S, Singh V. Fibrosis reduces severity of acute on chronic pancreatitis in humans. Gastroenterology 2013; 145:466-475. PMID: 23684709.
- Kim T, Shin WY, Zhao T, Beall EB, Lowe MJ, Bae KT. Whole Brain Perfusion Measurements using Arterial Spin Labeling with Multiband Acquisition. Magn Reson Med. 2013, 70(6):1653-1661. PMID: 23878098.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Noda Y, Kajita K, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Evaluation of Optimal Scan Delay for Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced Hepatic Arterial-Phase MR Imaging Using MR Fluoroscopic Triggering and Slow Injection Technique. AJR 2013; 201:578- 582.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Nishibori H, Miyazawa D, Watanabe H, Kondo H, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Image Quality and Radiation Exposure in CT of the Pancreas: Comparison of 320-MDCT with and without Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction and 64-MDCT. Clinical Radiology 2013; 68(11):e593-600. PMID: 23916551.
- Dunn MA, Behari J, O’Connell M, Furlan A, Aghayev A, Gumus S, Saul MI, Bae KT. Hepatic Steatosis In Diabetic Patients Does Not Predict Adverse Liver-Related or Cardiovascular Outcomes. Liver International 2013; 33(10):1575-1582. PMID: 23944954
- Bae KT, Tao C, Wang JH, Kaya D, Wu Z, Bae JT, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Grantham JJ, Mrug M, Bennett WM, Flessner MF, Landsittel DP. Novel Approach to Estimate Kidney and Cyst Volumes from Mid-Slice MR Images in Polycystic Kidney Disease. AJN 2013; 38(4):333-341. PMID: 24107679. PMCID: PMC3863613
- Sadowsky CL, Hammond ER, Strohl AB, Commean PK, Eby SA, Damiano DL, Wingert JR, Bae KT, McDonald JW. Lower Extremity Functional Electrical Stimulation Ergometry: Physical & Functional Recovery in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury. J Spinal Cord Med 2013; 36(6):623-31. PMID: 24094120.
- Moon CH, Kim JH, Zhao T, Bae KT. Quantitative 23Na MRI of human knee cartilage using dual-tuned 1H/23Na transceiver array RF coil at 7T. JMRI, 2013; 38(5):1063-1072. PMID: 24123257.
- Miskulin DC, Abebe KZ, Chapman AB, Perrone RD, Steinman TI, Torres VE, Bae KT, Braun W, Winklehofer FT, Hogan MC, Rahbari-Oskoui F, Moore CG, Flessner MF, Schrier RW. Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and CKD Stages I-IV: A Cross Sectional Study. Am J Kidney Dis, Oct 2013; 63(2):214-226. PMID: 24183837.
- Bae KT, Park SH, Shim HJ, Moon CH, Kim JH, Nemoto EM. Application of Compatible Dual- Echo Arteriovenography in Stroke: Preliminary Observations. Int J Ima Systems Tech 2013; 23(2):152-156
- Muto NS, Kamishima T, Terae S, Ito K, Shirato H, Tha KK, Bae KT. Association of Renal Volume with the Degree of Aortic Contrast Enhancement in Abdominal CT. Advances in CT 2013; 2: 55-62.
- He X, Aghayev A, Gumus S, Bae KT. Estimation of single-kidney glomerular filtration rate without exogenous contrast agent. MRM 2014; 71(1): 257-266. PMID: 23468406.
- Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Miyoshi T, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Noda Y, Aomatsu A, Moriyama N, Bae KT. Whole-Body CT Angiography with Low-Tube-Voltage and Low-Concentration Contrast Material to Reduce Radiation Dose and Iodine Load. AJR 2014; 202 (1): 106-116. PMID: 24370154.
- Bae KT, Sun HL, Lee JG, Bae KS, Wang JH, Tao C, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Grantham JJ, Mrug M, Bennett WM, Flessner MF, Landsittel DP. Novel Methodology to Evaluate Renal Cysts in Polycystic Kidney Disease. Am J Nephrol 2014; 39:210-217. PMID: 24576800.
- Paredes JL, Orabi AI, Ahmad T, Benbourenane I, Tobita K, Tadros S, Bae KT, Husain SZ. A Non-Invasive Method of Quantifying Pancreatic Volume in Mice using Micro-MRI. PLOS ONE 2014, March 18; 9(3):e92263. PMID: 24642611.
- Moon CH, Furlan A, Kim JH, Zhao T, Shapiro R, Bae KT. Quantitative Sodium MR Imaging of Native versus Transplanted Kidney Using a Dual-tuned proton/sodium (1H/23Na) Coil - Initial Experience. Eur Radiol 2014; 24(6):1320-6. PMID: 24668008.
- Noda Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Miyoshi T, Bae KT. Reduction of Iodine Load in CT Imaging of Pancreas Acquired with Low-Tube- Voltage and an Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Technique. JCAT, 2014; 38(5):714-72. PMID:24834887
- Cabrera-López C, Ars E, Marti T, Harris PC, Torra R, Clerckx C, Migeon T, Chen Z, Ronco P, Plaisier E, Lamers IJ, Van Reeuwijk J, Azam M, Boldt K, Maria M, Koster-Kamphuis L, Qamar R, Ueffing M, Cremers FP, Roepman R, Arts HH, Papizh S, Dlin V, Leontieva I, Tutelman K, Perrone RD, Bae KT, et al. Renal development and cystic diseases. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 May;29 Suppl 3:PMID:24850018
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, NodaY, Kondo H, Miyazawa D, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. Determination of Optimal Intravenous Contrast Agent Iodine Dose for the Detection of Liver Metastasis at 80-kVp CT. Euro Radiology, 2014; 24(8):1853-1859. PMID: 24865696
- Lee JG, Gumus S, Moon CH, Kwoh KC, Bae KT. Fully-automated Cartilage Segmentation from MRI of the Knee using a Multi-Atlas and Local Structural Analysis Method. Medical Physics, 2014;41(9):092303. PMID: 25186408
- Schrier RW, Abebe KZ, Perrone RD, Torres VE, Braun WE, Steinman TI, Winklehofer FT, Brosnahan G, Czarnecki PG, Hogan MC, Miskulin DC, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Grantham JJ, Harris PC, Flessner MF, Bae KT, Moore CG, Chapman AB. Blood Pressure in Early Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 2014; 371(24):2255-2266. PMID: 25399733.
- Irazabal MV, Rangel LJ, Bergstralh EJ, Osborn SL, Harmon AJ, Sundsbak JL, Bae KT, Chapman AB, Grantham JJ, Mrug M, Hogan MC, El-Zoghby ZM, Harris PC, Erickson BJ, King BF, Torres VE and the CRISP Investigators. Imaging Classification of ADPKD: A Simple Model for Selecting Patients for Clinical Trials. JASN 2015; 26(1):160-72. PMID: 24904092
- Hogan MC, Abebe KA, Torres VE, Chapman AB, Bae KT, Tao C, Sun H, Perrone RD, Steinman TI, Braun WE, Winklhofer FT, Miskulin D, Oskoui FR, Masoumi A, Spillane S, Moore CG, Flessner MF, Schrier RW. Liver involvement in early autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease; analysis of 558 patients in the HALT PKD cohort. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2015; 1(1):155- 164. PMID: 25111236
- Noda Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. Prediction of Early Response to Uterine Artery Embolization in Fibroids: Value of MR Signal Intensity Ratio. Magn Reson Imaging, 2015; 33(1):51-55. PMID: 25271135.
- Noda Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. Prenatal Detection of Placental Invasion with MR Imaging. Abdom Imaging, 2015 Jun;40(5):1273-8 PMID: 25343943.
- Lin MF, Chang Sen LQ, Pilgram TK, Bae KT, Heiken JP. CT Histogram of Indeterminate Adrenal Nodules on Noncontrast CT. Abdom Imaging, 2015; 40:1666-1674. PMID: 25488345.
- Noda Y, Goshima S, Kawada H, Watanabe H, Kondo H, Kanematsu M, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. Reducing Iodine Dose in Hepatic CT for Patients with Chronic Liver Disease with a Combination of Low-tube-voltage and Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction. Eur J Radiol, 2015, 84(1):11-18. PMID: 25455414.
- Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kawai N, Kondo H, Miyoshi T, Watanabe H, Noda Y, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. Low-Iodine-Load and Low-Tube-Voltage CT Angiography of the Kidney using Bolus Tracking with Saline Flushing. Radiology, 2015; 275:832-840. PMID: 25494297.
- Borhani AA, Dasyam A, Papachristou G, Furlan A, Almusa O, Abu-Elmagd K, Costa G, Slivka A, Bae KT. Radiologic Features of Pancreatic and Biliary Complications following Composite Visceral Transplantation. Abdom Imaging, 2015; 40:1961-1970. PMID: 25549783.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Noda Y, Fujita H, Bae KT. Computer-aided assessment of hepatic contour abnormalities as an imaging biomarker for the prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Eur J Radiology, 2015; 84:811-815. PMID: 25650331.
- Barker JW, Bae KT, Park SH. Investigation of Inter-slice Magnetization Transfer Effects as a New Method for MTR Imaging of the Human Brain. PLOS One, 2015; 10:e0117101. PMID: 25664938.
- Kanematsu M, Kondo H, Miyoshi T, Goshima S, Watanabe H, Noda Y, Tanahashi Y, Aomatsu A, Bae KT. Whole-Body CT with High Heat Capacity X-ray Tube—Effect of Tube Current Limitation with Automated Tube Current Modulation to Contrast Enhancement, Image Quality and Radiation Dose. Eur J Radiology, 2015; 204:w332-335. PMID: 25740700.
- Noda Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kato H, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. MRI of the Thyroid for Differential Diagnosis of Benign Thyroid Nodules and Papillary Carcinomas. AJR 2015; 204(3):W332-5. PMID: 25714319.
- Bhutani H, Smith V, Rahbari-Oskoui F, Mittal A, Grantham JJ, Torres VE, Mrug M, Bae KT, Wu Z, Ge Y, Landslittel D, Gibbs P, O'Neill WC, Chapman AB. A comparison of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging shows that kidney length predicts chronic kidney disease in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kidney Int2015; 88(1):146-151. PMID: 25830764.
- Noda Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Suzui N, Hirose Y, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18 FDG) Uptake in Positron Emission Tomography as a Pathological Grade Predictor for Renal Clear Cell Carcinomas. Eur Radiology, 2015; 25:3009-3016. PMID: 25854217.
- Han PK, Barker JW, Kim KH, Choi SJ, Bae KT, Park SH. Inter-Slice Blood Flow and Magnetization Transfer Effects as A New Simultaneous Imaging Strategy. PLOS One, 2015 10(10): e0140560. PMID: 26466316.
- Moore CG, Spillane S, Simon G, Maxwell B, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Braun W, Chapman AB, Schrier RW, Torres VE, Perrone RD, Steinman TI, Winklhofer FT, Brosnahan G, Czarnecki PG, Grantham JJ, Harris PC, Miskulin DC, Flessner MF, Bae KT, Abebe KZ, Hogan MC. Closeout of the HALT-PKD Trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2015; 44:48-55. PMID: 26231556.
- Heyer CM, Sundsbak JL, Abebe KZ, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Grantham JJ, Bae KT, Schrier RW, Perrone RD, Braun W, Steinman TI, Mrug M, Yu A, Brosnahan G, Hopp K, Bennett WM, Flessner MF, Moore CG, Landsittel D, Harris PC. Genotype/Phenotype Correlations In ADPKD: Prognostic Value Of Predicting Penetrance Of Non-Truncating PKD1 Mutations. JASN 2016; 27(9):2872-2884. PMID: 26823553.
- Noda Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Horikawa Y, Takeda J, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging of the Pancreas for the Assessment of HbA1c Levels. JMRI, 2016; 43:159-165. PMID: 26074129.
- Noda Y, Goshima S, Tanaka K, Osada S, Tomita H, Hara A, Horikawa Y, Takeda J, Kajita K, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Kanematsu M, Bae KT. Findings in Pancreatic MRI Associated with Pancreatic Fibrosis and HbA1c Levels. JMRI, 2016; 43:680-687. PMID: 26201823.
- Noda Y, Kanematsu M, Goshima S, Kondo H, Watanabe H, Kawada H, Kawai N, Tanahashi Y, Bae KT. F-18 FDG Uptake on Positron Emission Tomography as a Predictor for Lymphovascular Invasion in Patients with Lung Adenocarcinoma. Ann Nucl Med 2016; 30:11-17. PMID: 26337532.
- Kim YW, Ge YH, Tao C, Zhu JB, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Yu A, Mrug M, Bennett WM, Flessner MF, Landsittel DP, Bae KT. Automated Segmentation of Kidneys From MR Images In Subjects With Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. CJASN 2016; 11:576-584. PMID: 26797708.
- Kim T, Zhao T, Bae KT. Enhancement Of Functional MRI Signal At High-Susceptibility Regions Of Brain Using Simultaneous Multiecho Multithin-Slice Summation Imaging Technique. JMRI 2016; 44(2):478-485. PMID: 26821385.
- Goshima S, Kanematsu M, NodaY, Kawai N, Kawada H, Ono H, Bae KT. Minimally Required Iodine Dose for the Detection of Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinoma on 80-kVp CT. AJR, 2016; 206:518-525. PMID: 26901007.
- Park SH, Do WJ, Choi SH, Zhao T, Bae KT. Mapping Blood Flow Directionality in the Human Brain. MRI 2016; 34:754-764. PMID: 26968145.
- Kim JH, Krishnamurthy N, Santini T, Zhao Y, Zhao T, Bae KT, Ibrahim TS. Experimental and numerical analysis of B1+ field and SAR with a new transmit array design for 7T breast MRI. In press, JMR, 2016; 269:55-64. PMID: 27240143.
- Noda Y, Goshima S, Kajita K, Kawada H, Kawai N, Koyasu H, Matsuo M, Bae KT. Biliary Tract Enhancement in Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MRI Correlates with Liver Function Biomarkers. Eur J Radiology 2016; 85(11):2001-2007. PMID: 27776652.
- Kim YW, Bae SK, Cheng T, Tao C, Ge Y, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Yu A, Mrug M, Bennett WM, Flessner MF, Landsittel DP, Bae KT. Automated Segmentation of Liver and Livery Cysts from MR Images in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Phy Med Bio 2016; 61(22):7864-7880. PMID: 27779124.
- Irazabal MV, Abebe KZ, Bae KT, Perrone RD, Chapman AB, Schrier RW, Yu AS, Braun WE, Steinman TI, Harris PC, Flessner MF, Torres VE, and the HALT Investigators. Prognostic enrichment design in clinical trials for ADPKD: The HALT PKD clinical trial. Neph Dial Transpl 2017;32(11):1857-1865. PMID: 27484667.
- Pejchinovski M, Siwy J, Metzger J, Dakna M, Mischak H, Jankowski V, Bae KT, Chapman AB Kistler AD. Urine Peptidome Analysis Predicts Risk for End Stage Renal Disease and Reveals Proteolytic Pathways Involved in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Progression. Neph Dial Transpl 2017; 32(3):487-497. PMID: 27382111.
- Casteleijn NF, Messchendorp AL, Bae KT, Higashihara E, Kappert P, Torres VE, Meijer E, Leliveld AM. Polyuria due to Vasopressin V2 Receptor Antagonism is Not Associated with Increased Ureter Diameter in ADPKD Patients. Clin Exp Nephrol 2017 Jun;21(3):375-382. PMID: 27339446.
- Torres VE, Abebe KZ, Schrier RW, Perrone RD, Chapman AB, Yu AS, Braun W, Steinman TI, Brosnahan G, Hogan MC, Rahbari FF, Grantham JJ, Bae KT, Moore CG, Flessner MF. Effect of dietary salt on the progression of ADPKD in the HALT PKD Clinical Trials. Kidney Int. 2017; 91(2):493-500. PMID: 27993381.
- Shen C, Landsittel DP, Irazabal MV, Yu ASL, Chapman AB, Mrug M, Grantham JJ, Bae KT, Bennett WM, Flessner MF, Torres VE. Performance of the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate in a longitudinal study of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. AJKD 2017; 69(3):482-484, PMID: 28027795.
- Brosnahan G, Abebe KZ, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Patterson CG, Bae KT, Schrier RW, Braun WE, Chapman AB, Flessner MF, Harris PC, Perrone RD, Steinman TI, Torres VE. Effect of statin therapy on the progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. A secondary analysis of the HALT PKD trials. Curr Hypertens Rev. 2017;13(2):109-120. PMID: 28460625
- Kline TL, Korfiatis P, Edwards M, Bae KT, Yu AS, Chapman AB, Mrug M, Landsittel DP, Flessner MF, Bennett WM, King BF, Harris PC, Torres VE, Erickson BJ. Assessment of Image Texture Feature Analysis for Personalized Clinical Decision Making of ADPKD Patients. Kidney International 2017;92(5):1206-1216. PMID: 28532709
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- Kim JH, Santini T, Krishnamurthy N, Zhao T, Zhao Y, Ibrahim TS, Bae KT. Development of a 7T RF Coil system for Breast Imaging. NMR in Biomedicine 2017; 30(1). PMID: 27859861.
- Noda Y, Goshima S, Kojia T, Kawaguchi S, Kawada H, Kawai N, Koyasu H, Matsuo M, Bae KT. Improved Diagnosis of Common Bile Duct Stone with Single-shot Balanced Turbo Field-echo Sequence in MRCP. Abdom Radiology 2017; 42(4):1183-1188. PMID: 27891550.
- Zhu J, Wang Z, Kim YW, Bae SK, Cheng T, Gong J, Bae KT. Determination of Optimal Scan Timing for CT Pulmonary Angiography. Clinical Radiology 2017; 72(4):340.e9-e340.e16, PMID: 28027777.
- Goshima S, Bae KT. Liver Surface Nodularity as a Biomarker for Detection and Evaluation of Cirrhosis. Radiology. 2017;283(3):921-922. PMID: 28514213.
- Goshima S, Kawai N, Koyasu H, Noda Y, Kawada H, Matsuo M, Bae KT. Gadoxetic acid- Enhanced High Temporal Resolution Hepatic Arterial Phase Imaging with View Sharing Technique: Impact on the LI-RADS category. Euro J Radiology 2017;94:167-173. PMID: 28709718
- Kim YW, Furlan A, Borhan AA, Bae KT. Computer-Aided Program for Classifying the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma on MR images following Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI- RADS). JMRI 2018;47(3):710-722. PMID: 28556283
- Nishikawa RM, Bae KT. Importance of Better Human-Computer Interaction in the Era of Deep Learning: Mammography CAD as a Use Case. J Am College Radiology 2018, 15(1 Pt A):49-52. PMID: 29097047
- Nowak KL, You Z, Gitomer B, Brosnahan G, Torres VE, Chapman AB, Perrone RD, Steinman TI, Abebe K, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Yu A, Harris PC, Bae KT, Choncho M. Overweight and Obesity are Predictors of Progression in Early Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. JASN 2018 Feb;29(2):571-578. PMID: 29118087
- Noda Y, Goshima S, Kajita K, Namimoto T, Shinkawa N, Nakagawa M, Kawada H, Kawai N, Koyasu H, Matsuo M, Bae KT, Hirai T, Yamashita Y. Simultaneous Acquisition of MR Angiography and Diagnostic Images of Abdomen at View-sharing Multi-arterial Phases and Comparing the Effect of Two Different Contrast Agents. JMRI 2018;48(1):102-110. PMID: 29247585.
- Braun WE, Abebe KZ, Brosnahan G, Patterson CG, Chapman AB, Harris PC, Hogan MC, Perrone RD, Torres VE, Miskulin DC, Steinman TI, Winklehofer FT, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Czarnecki PG, Bae KT, Grantham JJ, Flessner MF, Schrier RW. ADPKD Progression in Patients With No Apparent Family History and No Mutation Detected by Sanger Sequencing. Am J Kidney Dis 2018;71(2):294-296. PMID: 29203126.
- Yu AS, Shen C, Landsittel DP, Harris PC, Torres VE, Mrug M, Bae KT, Grantham JJ, Rahbari FF, Flessner MF, Bennett WM, Chapman AB. Baseline total kidney volume and the rate of kidney growth are associated with chronic kidney disease progression in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kidney International 2018;93(3):691-699. PMID: 29290310
- Costacou T, Orchard TJ, Moon CH, Bae KT, Fried L, Evans RW. Is MRI Detection of Kidney Iron Deposition Increased in Haptoglobin 2-2 Genotype Carriers with Type 1 Diabetes? Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2018;29(8):735-741. PMID: 29298491
- Brosnahan G, Abebe KZ, Moore CG, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Bae KT, Grantham JJ, Schrier RW, Braun WE, Chapman AB, Flessner MF, Harris PC, Hogan MC, Perrone RD, Miskulin DC, Steinman TI, Torres VE. Patterns of Kidney Function Decline in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Post Hoc Analysis From the HALT-PKD Trials. Am J Kidney Dis. 2018; 71(5):666-676. PMID: 29306517
- Cornec-Le Gall E, Chebib FT, Madsen CD, Senum SR, Heyer CM, Lanpher BC, Patterson MC, Albright RC, Yu AS, Torres VE; HALT Progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease Group Investigators, Harris PC. The Value of Genetic Testing in Polycystic Kidney Diseases Illustrated by a Family With PKD2 and COL4A1 Mutations. Am J Kidney Dis. 2018;72(2):302-308. PMID: 29395486
- Noda Y, Goshima S, Kajita K, Kawada H, Kawai N, Koyasu H, Matsuo M, Bae KT. Prognostic Value of Diffusion MR Imaging and Clinical-Pathologic Factors in Patients with Rectal Cancer. Iranian Journal of Radiology 2018;15(1):1-9.
- Brosnahan G, Abebe KZ, Moore CG, Bae KT, Braun W, Chapman AB, Flessner MF, Harris PC, Hogan MC, Perrone RD, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Schrier RW, Steinman TI, Torres VE. Determinants of Progression in Early Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease – Is it Blood Pressure or Renin- Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System Blockade? Curr Hypertens Rev. 2018;14(1):39-47. PMID: 29564978
- Furlan A, Almusa O, Yu R, Sagreiya H, Borhani A, Bae KT, Marsh JW. Radiogenomic Analysis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Association between Fractional Allelic Imbalance Rate Index and Tumor Features on CT and MR imaging. Br J Radiol. 2018 Jun;91(1086):20170962. PMID: 29565672
- Gulati A, Bae KT, Somlo S, Watnick T. Genomic Analysis Avoids Misdiagnosis of Adults with Bilateral Renal Cysts. Ann Intern Med. 2018;169(2):130-131. PMID: 29582070.
- Noda Y, Goshima S, Miyoshi T, Kawada H, Kawai N, Koyasu H, Matsuo M, Bae KT. Modified National Comprehensive Cancer Network Criteria for Assessing Resectability of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. AJR 2018;210(6):1252-1258. PMID: 29629801
- Seliger SL, Abebe KZ, Hallows KR, Miskulin DC, Perrone RD, Watnick T, Bae KT. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Metformin to Treat Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Am J Nephrol. 2018;47(5):352-360. PMID: 29779024
- Dad T, Abebe KZ, Bae KT, Comer D, Torres VE, Czarnecki PG, Schrier RW, Steinman TI, Spillane S, Moore CG, Chapman AB, Kaya D, Tao C, Braun WE, Winklhofer FT, Brosnahan G, Hogan MC, Miskulin DC, Rahbari-Oskoui F, Flessner MF, Perrone RD. Longitudinal Assessment of Left Ventricular Mass in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kidney Int Rep. 2018 Jan 6;3(3):619-624. PMID:29854969
- Bae KT. AI and Clinicians: Not a Mutually Exclusive Zero-Sum Game. IEEE Pulse 2018;9(5): 20. PMID:30273138.
- McKenzie KA, El Ters M, Torres VE, Harris PC, Chapman AB, Mrug M, Rahbari FF, Bae KT, Landsittel DP, Flessner MF, Bennett WM, Yu ASL. Relationship between Caffeine Intake and Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. BMC Nephrology 2018;19(1):378. PMID:30591038.
- Yu AS, Shen C, Landsittel DP, Grantham JJ, Cook LT, Torres VE, Chapman AB, Bae KT, Mrug M, Harris PC, Rahbari FF, Flessner MF, Bennett WM. Trajectory of the GFR throughout adulthood in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kidney International 2019;95(5):1253-1261. PMID:30922668.
- Wengler K, Sosa MS, Huang C, Hussain S, He A, Gumus S, Wang JH, Bae KT, He X. Mapping Hepatic Blood Oxygenation by quantitative BOLD (qBOLD). MRM 2019; 81(5):3272-3282. PMID:30652357.
- Bae KT, Zhou W, Shen C, Landsittel DP, Wu Z, Tao C, Chapman AB, Torres VE, Yu ASL, Mrug M, Bennett WM, Harris PC. Growth Pattern of Kidney Cyst Number and Volume in ADPKD. CJASN 2019;14(6):823-833. PMID:31088850
- Hanudel MR, Salusky IB, Pereira RC, Wang W, You Z, Nowak KL, Brosnahan GM, Torres VE, Chapman AB, Perrone RD, Steinman TI, Gitomer B, Bae KT, Chonchol M. Erythropoietin and fibroblast growth factor 23 in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients. Kidney International Reports 2019; 4(12):1742-1748. PMID:31844811
- Hopp K, Cornec-Le Gall E, Senum SR, Paske B, Raj S, Lavu S, Baheti S, Edwards ME, Madsen CD, Heyer CM, Ong ACM, Bae KT, Fatica R, Steinman TI, Chapman AB, Gitomer B, Perrone RD, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Torres VE, Harris PC. Detection and Characterization of Mosaicism in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kidney International 2020; 97(2):370-382. PMID: 31874800
- Hibino T, Ichikawa K, Ito S, Ito Y, Kobayashi T, Bae KT. Determination of contrast medium dose for CT hepatic enhancement with improved inter-patient uniformity using body size and pharmacokinetic principle. Clinical Radiology 2020; 75(3):238 e11-238. PMID: 31679815.
- Bae KT, Shi T, Tao C, Yu ASL, Torres VE, Perrone RD, Chapman AB, Brosnahan G, Steinman TI, Braun WE, Srivastava A, Irzaabal MV, Abebe KZ, Harris PC, Landsittel DP. Expanded Imaging Classification of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. JASN 2020; 31(7):1640-1651. PMID: 32487558
- Lavu S, Vaughan LE, Sarah R. Senum SR, Kline T, Chapman AB, Perrone RP, Mrug M, Braun WE, Steinman TI, Rahbari-Oskoui FF, Bronahan G, Bae KT, Douglas Landsittel DP, Chebib FT, Yu ASL, Torres VE, Harris PC. The Value of Genotypic and Imaging Information to Predict Functional and Structural Outcomes in Autosomal Polycystic Kidney Disease. JCI insight 2020; 5(15):138724. PMID: 32634120
- Fu C, Zhang W, Li H, Bai Y, Bae KT, Wang M, Xu J, Shao F. FDG PET/CT Evaluation of a Patient Recovering from COVID-19. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2020; 47(11):2703-2705. PMID: 32671452
- Seliger SL, Watnick T, Althouse AD, Perrone RD, Abebe KZ, Hallows KR, Miskulin DC, Bae KT. Baseline Characteristics and Patient-Reported Outcomes of ADPKD Patients in the Multicenter TAME-PKD Clinical Trial. Kidney360, In Press.
- Hallows KR, Althouse AD, Li H, Saitta B, Abebe KZ, Bae KT, Miskulin DC, Perrone RD, Seliger SL, Watnick T. Correlation of Baseline Urinary Metabolic Biomarkers with Polycystic Kidney Disease Severity in the TAME-PKD Study Participants. Kidney360, Under Review.