Professor Henry Ka-Fung Mak

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, HKU
- MBChB (CUHK), M.D. (HKU), FRCR (UK), FHKCR, FHKAM (Radiology)
Research Interests
- Neuroradiology
- Stroke imaging – perfusion in evaluation of stroke, intracranial atherosclerosis
- Brain trauma – ASL (arterial spin labeling), DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) in head trauma
- Anticancer drugs in advanced brain tumours using functional neuroimaging techniques
- Multi-modality imaging in Alzheimer’s disease
- Epilepsy- PET/CT and MRI
- Cardiovascular imaging
- Carotid plaque characterization - MRI
- Evaluation of risk factors using CT- calcium score and coronary CTA
- Head and Neck Imaging
- Advanced MR techniques in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Relevant Publications on Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology:
(*Corresponding author)
Lau KK, Li L, Lovelock CE, Zamboni G, ChanTT, Chiang MF, Lo KT, Küker W, Mak HKF*, Peter M Rothwell*. Clinical correlates, prognostic implications and ethnic differences of perivascular spaces in TIA and ischaemic stroke. Stroke (accepted 30/3/2017).
Xu X, Hui ES, Mok MY, Jian J, Lau CS, Mak HKF*. Structural brain network reorganization in patients with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erthematosus. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2017; 38(1):64-70.
Qian W, Chan KH, Hui ES, Lee CY, Hu Y, Mak HKF*. Application of diffusional kurtosis imaging to detect occult brain damages in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica. NMR Biomed. 2016; 29(11):1536-1545.
Yao N, Pang S, Cheung C, Chang RSK, Lau KK, Suckling J, Yu K, Mak HKF*, McAlonan G, Ho SL, Chua SE. Resting activity in visual and corticostriatal pathways in Parkinson's disease with hallucinations. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2015; 21:131-137.
Yao N, Cheung C, Pang S, Chang RSK, Lau KK, Suckling J, Yu K, Mak HKF*, Chua SE, Ho SL, McAlonan G. Multimodal MRI of the hippocampus in Parkinson’s disease with visual hallucinations. Brain Structure and Function 2016:22:287-300.
Mak HKF*, Lai SW, Qian W, Xu S, Tong E, Vance ML, Oldfield E, Jane J Jr., Sheehan J, Yau KKW, Wintermark M. Effective time window in reducing pituitary adenoma size by Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. Pituitary 2015:18(4)509-17
Chiu PW1, Mak HKF*1, *, Chan Y, Chan T, Ho KM. Hippocampal MR Spectroscopic abnormalities in a cohort of syphilitic patients with HIV and Neurosyphilis infection. American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2015;5(1):83-94.
Yao N, Shek-Kwan Chang R, Cheung C, Pang S, Lau KK, Suckling J, Rowe J, Yu K, Ka-Fung Mak H, Chua SE, Ho SL, McAlonan GM. The default mode network is disrupted in Parkinson’s disease with visual hallucinations. Human brain mapping 2014;35(11):5658-66.
Leung H, Mak H, Leung M, Leung KL, Kwan P, Wong KS. Neuroeconomics of health care financing options: willingness to pay and save. Hong Kong Med J 2014; 20: Supplement 3:8-10.
Mak HKF*, Qian W, Ng KS, Chan Q, Song YQ, Chu LW, Yau KKW. Combination of MRI hippocampal volumetry and Arterial Spin Labeling MR perfusion at 3-tesla improves the efficacy in discriminating Alzheimer’s disease from cognitively normal elderly adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2014; 41(3): 749-758.
Gao J, Cheung RTF, Chan YS, Chu LW, Mak HKF*, Lee TMC. The relevance of short-range fibers to cognitive efficiency and brain activation in aging and dementia. PLOS ONE 2014 Apr 2;9(4):e90307. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090307.
Cheng JS; Gao PP; Zhou IY; Chan RW; Chan Q; Mak HK; Khong PL; Wu EX. Resting-state fMRI using passband balanced steady-state free precession. PLOS ONE 2014 Mar 12; 9(3):e91075. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091075.
Chiu PW, Mak HKF*, Yau KKW, Chan Q, Chang RCC, Chu LW. Metabolic changes in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortices of the normal aging brain: Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy study at 3-tesla. AGE 2014; 36: 251-264.
Zhang L, Chang RCC, Chu LW, Mak HKF*. Current neuroimaging techniques in Alzheimer's disease and applications of animal models Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012; 2(3):386-404.
Chang RSK, Mak KF, Mak W, Mok MY. Bithalamic stroke in a patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus positive antiphospholipid antibodies and warfarin use. Int J Rheum Dis, 2012; 15(4):e76-77.
Mak HKF*, Chan Q, Zhang Z, Petersen E, Qiu D, Chiu C, Yau KKW, Chu LW, Golay X. Cerebral blood flow by QUASAR Arterial Spin Labeling in a Chinese cohort of Alzheimer's disease and cognitively normal elderly adults. J Alzheimer’s Dis 2012; 31:33-44.
Chan T, Wong WW, Chan JK, Ma JK, Mak HK. Acute ischaemic stroke during short-term travel to high altitude. Hong Kong Med J 2012; 18:63-65.
Chu JP, Mak HKF*, Yau KKW, Zhang L, Tsang J, Chan Q, Leung KK. Apilot study on correlation of MR perfusion (Ktrans) and diffusion (apparent diffusion coefficient) parameters in brain tumors at 3Tesla. Cancer Imaging2012; 12:1-6.
Eby SA, Buchner EJ, Bryant MG, Mak HKF*. The Rehabilitation of Anton Syndrome: A Case Report. PM&R 2012; 4(5):385-387.
Mok MY, Lau CS, Chiu SS, Tso AW, Lo Y, Mak KF, Wong WS, Khong PL, Lam KS. Systemic sclerosis is an independent risk factor for increased coronary artery calcium deposition. Arthritis Rheum 2011; 63:1387-95.
Cui JL, Wen CY, Hu Y, Mak KC, Mak HK, Luk KDK. Orientation entropy analysis of diffusion tensor in healthy and myelopathic spinal cord. Neuroimage 2011; 58(4):1028-1033.
Mak HKF*, Zhang L, Feng ST, Yeung DKW, Chan DTM, Zhu XL, Poon WS. Efficacy of BOLD fMRI in preoperative brain mapping and its role in surgical decision making. Hong Kong J of Radiology 2011; 14:147-54.
Qian W, Chan Q, Mak H, Zhang Z, Anthony MP, Yau KK, Khong PL, Chan KH, Kim H. Quantitative assessment of the cervical spinal cord damage in neuromyelitis optica using diffusion tensor imaging at 3T. J Magn Reson Imaging 2011; 33: 1312-20.
Gao J, Cheung RTF, Lee TMC, Chu LW, Chan YS, Mak H, Zhang JX, Qiu D, Fung G, Cheung C. Possible retrogenesis observed with fiber tracking: an anteroposterior pattern of white matter disintegrity in normal aging and AD. J Alzheimer’s Dis 2011; 26(1): 47-58.
Chan DTM, Kan PKY, Lam JMK, Zhu XL, Chan YL, Mak HKF*, Wong TYY, Poon WS. Cerebral motor cortical mapping – Awake procedure is preferable to general anaesthesia. Surgical Practice 2010; 14(1):12-18.
Mak HKF*, Zhang Z, Yau KKW, Zhang L, Chan Q, Chu LW.Efficacy of voxel-based morphometry (VBM) using DARTEL and standard registration in discriminating Alzheimer's patients (AD) from cognitively normal older adults in Chinese. J Alzheimer’s Dis 2010; 2011; 23: 655-664.
Lai V, Mak HKF*, Yung AWY, Ho WY, Hung KN. Neuroimaging Techniques in Epilepsy. Hong Kong Med J 2010; 16: 292-298.
Soo Y, Singhal A, Leung T, Yu S, Mak H, Hao S, Leung H, Lam W, Wong L. A Case of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome with delayed onset vasoconstriction after Oral Contraceptive Pills. Cephalagia 2010, 30: 42-45.
Lee TMC, Ip AKY, Wang K, Xi C, Hu P, Mak HKF*, Han S, Chan CCH. Faux pas deficits in people with medial frontal lesions as related to impaired understanding of a speaker's mental state. Neuropsychologia 2010, 48: 1670-76.
Chan WKS, Mak HKF*, Huang B, et al. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Relationship between 18F FDG PET-CT maximum standardized uptake value, metabolic tumour volume and total lesion glycolysis, and TNM-classification. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2010, 31: 206-10.
Mak HKF*, Wong CW, Yau KKW, et al. Computed tomography evaluation of intracranial atherosclerosis in Chinese patients with transient ischemic attack or minor ischemic stroke- its distribution and association with vascular risk factors. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease 2009, 18: 158-63.
Yeung CK, Trendall-Smith A, Mak HKF*, Lam CCK, Kwong YL. Cutaneous intravascular large B-cell lymphoma: Asian variant or not? Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2009; 34: e482-483.
Wong GKC, Zhu XL, Ng HK, Mak H, Yu SCH, Wong JKT, Poon WS. Hemangioblastoma of filum terminale associated with arteriovenous shunting. Surg Neurol 2007; 68: 211-15.
Leung TW, Mak H, Yu SC, Wong KS. Perforator stroke after elective stenting of symptomatic intracranial stenosis (Correspondence). Neurology 2007; 68: 1237.
Mak HK*, Yau KK, Chan BP. Prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa values as additional indicators to measure interobserver agreement. Radiology 2004; 232: 302-303.
Josephson SA, Bryant SO, Mak HK, et al. Evaluation of Carotid Stenosis using CT Angiography in the initial evaluation of Stroke and TIA. Neurology 2004; 63: 457-460.
Mak HKF*, Yau KKW, Chan BPL. ASPECTS reading requires training and experience- Response. Stroke 2003; 34: 179e.
Mak HKF*, Yau KKW, Khong PL, et al. Hypodensity of >1/3 Middle Cerebral Artery versus Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score (ASPECTS). Stroke 2003; 34: 1194-1196
Mak HKF*, Kong FY, Khong PL. A non-AIDS Chinese adult with pulmonary and central nervous system cryptococcosis- do we need to search further? Clinical Radiology (extra) 2003; 79-83.
Pak MW, Mak HKF*, Ku PKM, Van Hasselt CA. Dural Metastasis at Medulla Oblongata: a rare cause of vocal cord paralysis. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1996; 110: 884-886.