How long does a MRI scan take?
It depends on the type of exam or study being performed. Normally, it takes approximately 25 to 40 minutes for a single region without the administration of contrast (i.e. plain scan). If contrast medium injection is indicated, it will take about 1/3 more time than that of a plain scan.

Is there any risk?
MRI scan is very safe. The magnetic fields will not pose any health risks. However, if you have certain medical devices such as coronary stent, heart valves or surgical clips, we will first check to ensure they are safe to be scanned.

How is an MRI scan different from a CT scan or PET-CT scan?
Firstly, MRI does not pose any radiation risks. Secondly, MRI scan can be used to view soft tissue more superiorly than that of a CT scan. Thirdly, the spatial resolution and definition for a MRI scan are also better than that of a CT scan. However, the MRI scan time is longer and there is noise generated from the scanner during the scan.

Which body part can be scanned?
The scanner can be used to examine structures inside the brain, neck, breast, heart, abdomen and pelvis. Apart from these body parts, joints, spine, blood vessels and functional study of the brain can also be well visualized and depicted by a MRI scan.

What has to be prepared for the scan?
Be relaxed for a MRI scan. Normally, you will be asked for fasting for 4 hours (prior to the scan) if contrast medium injection is indicated. Also, we will check if you have any metallic implants inside your body and their compatibility with the MRI scanner environment. Please do not worry about this. Most of the implant nowadays are safe to enter the scan room.
Upon your arrival, we will ask you to get changed to an examination gown, and remove all metals from your body, for example jewelry, watches, keys, dentures, hearing aids, wallet and coins etc.
In any case, though it is noisy, an MRI exam is painless. The only thing you must do is to hold still. Sometimes, you may need to follow the breathing instruction from our technical staff. Try to do that but please remember to let us know if you cannot do so for whatever reasons.
Try as far as possible if someone can come with you.

Can I have an MRI exam if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
While an MRI scan has no known side effects to date, it is still not recommended for pregnant women unless it is medically indicated. Please stop nursing for 24 hours after the exam if you are breastfeeding and have contrast medium being injected.

Why is the scanner so noisy?
The scanner works with a very strong magnetic field. (Current magnetic field is normally 1.5T or 3T; that is 30000 Gauss and the magnetic field of the earth is around 0.6 Gauss!) Inside the scanner, there are parts called gradients that turn on and off so fast loud noise is generated.

What if I feel unwell during scan?
During the MRI examination, the technologist will speak to you (when necessary), hear you and observe you all the times. Please let us know if you have any questions or feel anything unusual. Also, you will have an emergency call bell in hand; just press the bell if you need any help during the exam.
You can bring someone to the exam room with you if this make you feel more comfortable.

What is a contrast agent, do I need it?
Your referring clinician may advise for a contrast exam/study if it is indicated.
MR contrast agent is a Gadolinium based compound and in liquid form. It will be injected into your vein to help in obtaining a clearer image of the area being investigated. MRI contrast agents do not contain iodine and rarely cause allergic reactions or other problems. You may feel some sensation of warmness around the area of injection, normally the elbow or the wrist.
Patients suffering from serious renal disease should avoid having contrast injection. We will double check with the referring clinician if it is unavoidable for patients suffering serious renal disease to have contrast injection.